The Wellington Potters’ Association

Potter in Residency Programme

We are accepting proposals for our upcoming residency positions:

  • Winter: June to August 2025

  • Spring: September to November 2025

  • Autumn: March to May 2026

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis – for more details about the programme, see below. Any queries, please contact Kate via

About the residency programme:

The Wellington Potters’ Association, established in 1958, is a community of potters and ceramicists with a thriving studio in the heart of Wellington, New Zealand. Our mission is to help, encourage, and advance the interests of potters and the art and craft of pottery within New Zealand.

With 12 electric wheels, 1 kick wheel and 6 electric kilns, our facilities serve over 500 members in the community. Our members are predominantly Wellington-based studio and hobbyist potters. We also have a significant number of members across Aotearoa who keep in touch with our events, including our annual anagama firing and Ceramicus exhibition.

You do not need to be a professional potter (commercial production is not the aim of this residency – space and kiln bookings are limited), but you do need to be able to share your skills with our community.

What Wellington Potters’ Association offers:

  • A welcoming and supportive community.

  • Exclusive use of our mezzanine potter-in-residence studio.

  • Paid teaching opportunities for members’ only classes.

  • Open participation in all our events including our annual anagama firing, Ceramicus exhibition, and members social events.

  • Blog and social media features.

Your return to the Wellington Potters community:

  • Be an active member of Wellington Potters community.

  • Run two members workshops (paid).

  • Support WPA events happening during your residency.

  • Share your residency journey on social media.

You will need to meet all your own costs including accommodation, firing fees and materials. Kiln bookings are generally limited to 2 per month and are subject to availability. If you have any queries please contact Kate via

Ngā mihi nui to Mel Waite Photography for the banner image.

Are you a touring potter coming through Wellington?

If so, we'd love to hear from you!

This is an open invitation to travelling potters stopping through Wellington to teach a class, do a demonstration, or lead a workshop at the Wellington Potters’ Association. Come connect with our community, share your ideas, and make a bit of money while you are in town. We even may have space for you to work if the timing is right.

Have an idea for a workshop or class? Here is a worksheet that will help you communicate your ideas to us.

Email your dates and proposal with Kate at